Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I feel better than ever physically and emotionally! I have found "the answer" in myself for what works for me regarding food and exercise.
I used to think it was trite and superficial to talk or care about, but truth is, if my mind ain't right, my body ain't right. And vice body is a manifestation of my brain!

About a month ago, I came across a podcast by Elizabeth Benton called Primal Potential. This girl, though her journey much different from mine (she was obese and lost 140 pounds), I relate so much to the food obsession, constantly trying a new thing, the ups and downs of the emotional eating rollercoaster, and the exhaustion.

Elizabeth's NO-BS approach, biochemistry and nutrition education, and more than ever, her experience, leads to a clear-cut and informative podcast. More than anything, with TOOLS to make changes.

Long story short, there is no right way that I have to follow, but to listen to myself. But with the guidance of the Primal Principles, I've found so much happiness and wellness with that. I've learned that carbs really do make me more hungry. Sugar leads to me wanting MORE sugar and I'm completely unsatisfied. I'm so bloated on nights I overindulge with lots of desserts. I was never enjoying my nightly dessert, but eating out of habit and guilt that I needed it, and then over-doing it. EVERY NIGHT. Like king-size Hershey's, chips, etc.

Most would say, "who cares!" "it's only food." To them, it probably only is food. My husband can eat an entire pizza and go to bed and sleep like a baby, work out the next morning and feel fine. When I do that, it affects my sleep which then affects my parenting, my moods, my friendships, my relationship with God, and the way I talk to myself.

I'm changing the conversation with myself. Only positive in this space. Even my failures or setbacks are only learning experiences. While practicing talking positively, I've noticed how long I really HAVE not talked positively. The self-beat-up, the all-or-nothing threats I'd give myself.

Too many people in this world rely on me. Me being my bestest ever self ever ever ever. I have four boys who are happiest when mom is happiest and a husband needing my encouragement, positive vibe, and happiness. When momma's happy, everyone is. So it's time to take charge 100% of my body, mind, and fulfillment.

This year has been an eye-opener for me. I was SOOOOO busy in residency in Seattle with the kids, school PTA, Church callings, and friends. Yes, I had friends and neighbors and a community! But here, I've kinda taken a break. Haven't gotten involved and Sid is less busy, so I'm not running the solo show ALL the time. It's been nice to look inward and to ask myself what really makes me happy.

I love being a mom. Like LOVE LOVE LOVE it. This is my calling! I feel so excited and almost giddy when the boys come home from school. I love hearing their tales, their stories, and just being with them.
I love watching Hank discover the world, learn to talk, and his absolute fascination with well, EVERYTHING! My mom-role is enough, though the inner battle keeps telling me to DO MORE!

Back to food. I've adopted a lot of Elizabeth's principles from her blog/podcast about healthy living. Nothing I didn't know before, but understanding the WHY behind everything has helped me adopt healthier habits to be sustainable.

I will eat this way forever. And ever. It's the rest of my life! This is my outline! I will never stray because I love eating this way. It's delicious and makes me feel amazing!

1) Focus on animal, plants, and healthy fats. This means my breakfasts are mainly some sort of egg, chicken sausage, bacon, avocado, cheese, etc.

2) Reduced grains/carbs. And if I eat them, I eat them with dinner or later (including a protein+fat).

3) Avoid processed foods. They make me hungrier and less settled and wanting to open package after package after package.

4) Walk a lot. Slowly. An hour/day. (at least)!

5) Lift heavy! Building muscle makes me happy, keeps me feeling my best!

6) Sleep! No less than 7 hours/day. Even if that means I take a nap!

7) Keep my stress low. Say "no" to things that are more than I can handle. Practice self-care with tubs, naps, massages, or quiet time.

8) Treats are "treats" for a reason. They are not "every-day" items. I can have them everyday if I want, but it doesn't feel good. At all. Dessert is not special if it's everyday.

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