Thursday, May 14, 2015

learning from experience

I choose the dialogue that goes in my head. Today I'm choosing only positive and productive thoughts. Negative thoughts have and will never serve me.
Last night after dinner, I wanted something sweet. I had a protein bar. It tasted so good. I had another and another and another while checking email, pinterest, etc. With peanut butter. I never felt satisfied or full. Kept needing more.
Maybe that's the trick with packaged foods. I can eat dinner or lunch and be like, "woah nelly, that's good." And feel done.
But with carbs like packaged protein bars, I seriously feel like I could eat an entire box and not feel sick till later.
I would be better off probably having a delicious brownie sundae and at least feel satisfied.
So, what I learned from last night. Is that too many carbs (I mean LOADS of carbs) will make me not sleep well. I'll have hot flashes all night and terrible dry mouth in the morning. It's not worth it. That indulgence wasn't worth the after-effects. And I wouldn't even call it an indulgence. I'd rather have something over the top delicious.
I have learned that maybe I purchase the non-sweet protein bars. Or, not have them around. And replace a late-night snack with a whole-food like a sweet potato, baked apple, oatmeal, etc.
If in a pinch, I can go BUY a protein bar. In single form.
Also, nothing at all. I wasn't hungry. My brain is trained to eat something to relax.
I noticed that I wasn't really paying attention to this "splurge" but enjoying RELAXING AND CHEWING.
ONe thing on primal is you don't get a lot of CHEWING. (Meats and veggies).
So the sitting and relaxing with food felt good.
I think I can learn from this that I "can't bring a pillow to a gun fight". Meaning, food will never cure what ails me.
Food will NEVER, EVER be the answer to my problems. If I'm stressed or "need to relax", food will NEVER serve me.
So, instead for today, it is my goal to eat without distraction. To speak positive to my brain and not let "slip-ups" derail me, but simply be a learning experience and chance to take a different route later.

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