Tuesday, May 19, 2015

learning from failures

Last night I binged like I haven't binged in a long time.
Without letting the negative feed my thoughts, I'll still write down the thoughts that went through my head so as to try and change them.
"You eat so well all day, this feels good to let-loose."
"You can always make up for this tomorrow."
"You've blown it already, seriously what's another ice cream sandwich?"
"Now that you've gone this far, just eat everything in the cupboards and fast tomorrow."
"Sid is gone, the kids are in bed, you are lonely and you deserve this." "You're stressed about moving next week and doing it all on your own, just relax and watch the Bachelorette."
"It's not like you're an overweight person anyways, you can eat this way. A few extra pounds doesn't look bad on you."

None of these phrases make sense because in turn, I feel like crap the next day. I don't sleep well, wake up with the dryest mouth and feel so frustrated.
I'm trying to not let any negative thoughts enter my brain today, but what is the practical way to go about the next day after a binge?
Fast? Not eat again until I'm hungry? (that sounds obvious but I don't fore-see my hunger coming back anytime soon).

I'm tempted to turn back to the book, "Brain Over Binge" because the more I diagram my eating, the more I'm realizing I just have habits. It's a habit for me to go overboard.

So not listening to my urges in the first place is how I can get rid of my habits.
But in turn, I need to be fueling my body well and not depriving myself at all. In a sense, go back to the 3 meals/day. No snacks and keep the night-time eating gone for awhile as it's habitual for the urges to come mainly at that time.

I am strong and I can change. I choose to put healthy food that makes me feel good into my body. There is nothing I cannot change in my life.
I love my body and want it to feel and look its best.
I have so much goodness in my life. No negative thoughts can ever pull me down. I want to sweat and exercise because I love how it makes me feel, not due to punishment.
I am not powerless around food. I CAN have a bite of something and not go off the rails. I don't need food to unwind or relax.

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